
Advertising Your Christmas Program

A Channel Letter Sign Is A Good Choice For Identifying Your Building Day And Night

A channel letter sign could be the ideal choice for your building if you want a large sign that can be seen from a distance. These signs are often illuminated so your building can be easily identified and found at night. Here's a look at how channel letter signs are made and the options you have with sign design.

Channel Letter Signs Are Custom Designed

Channel letter signs are placed on the exterior of your building and they are composed of individual letters or graphics that are custom designed and made. This gives the sign a 3D effect. Each letter is made from aluminum, plastic, or a combination of both. They have a front, back, and sides so lights can be housed inside them.

Lighting Options Are Available

You can buy a channel letter sign that isn't illuminated if your building isn't open at night. However, it's common to install lighted signs so they can advertise your business all hours of the day. Plus, lit signs are important for attracting customers if your building is open late into the evening.

You can choose from front lighting, back lighting, or a combination of the two. A channel letter with front lighting has the light directed to shine through the front of the letter, which is made from acrylic. This causes the acrylic to light up so the letter can be easily read. A sign that has back lighting directs the light out of the back of the sign and against the building. This creates a soft glow that illuminates the letters from behind.

Channel Signs Vary In Color And Font

Since channel signs are custom made, you can choose any color for the sign that you want. You might want colors that complement the building or colors that match your brand colors. You can also choose any font you want, but you'll want one that is easy to read from a distance. You can also include small graphics in the sign, such as a logo or representation of what your company offers. Although these signs can be huge and bulky, they can be customized to your specifications since each individual piece is custom made.

A channel letter sign is meant to be permanent, so you'll want to invest in quality materials so the sign lasts a long time before it needs to be replaced. This type of sign is an excellent way to mark the location of your building, and it's a sign you can invest in once and then not worry about for years to come.

Contact a company like 1 Source Signs for more information. 

About Me

Advertising Your Christmas Program

The Christmas season has always been a special time for me. Growing up, my father pastored an evangelical church in my hometown. Every year, some of the parishioners at the church performed in a Christmas play. Sometimes, the subject matter of the annual play was serious. At other times, the church members performed in a Christmas comedy. Regardless of the type of program the church worked diligently on, it was always a success. If your church is planning a Christmas program this year, consider advertising it with a well-designed sign. On this blog, I hope you will discover some tips to help you design a sign to advertise your Christmas program.