
Advertising Your Christmas Program

5 Business Signs To Consider And Compare When You Need A Sign For Your Building

Business signs are essential when you operate from a physical building. Fortunately, the signs come in many types so you can find something appropriate even if you're a small business with a small budget. The sign marks your location, and without one, customers couldn't find you. Plus, the sign can relay other important information people need to know such as operating hours. Here are five business signs to compare when you need one for your building.

1. Channel Letter Signs

Channel letters are among the more expensive options for businesses that have big budgets. The letters spell the name of your store and they're mounted on the outside wall so customers can see them from a distance. The letters are also lit up so customers can find you at night.

2. Vinyl Decals

Vinyl decals are at the opposite end of the price spectrum. These are decals made with your company name and other information you may want that you apply to your store window. These aren't easy to see from a distance, but they identify your store to people walking nearby.

Although these are inexpensive, they can still be artistic and attractive. Plus, since they are stuck to the window glass, you don't have to worry about the sign blowing away or being damaged by a storm.

3. Metal Signs

Metal signs are durable options that you can hang from your building or mount on the side. You can make the sign large enough to include your name, and logo, and to identify the purpose of your business. Metal signs come in different colors including the shiny color of the metal. You could even have a cast metal sign made. Metal signs give your business a professional image.

4. Vinyl Banners

A vinyl banner could be a good option if you want something eye-catching. These can be made with large letters and bright colors. Vinyl banners are a good match for retail shops and restaurants. They have a casual look, but they can convey important information about your store. A large banner can span several feet, so if you use a large font, the sign can be read at a distance.

5. Cabinet Signs

Cabinet signs are placed inside a transparent cabinet that lights up at night. The cabinet might be on the side of your building or it might be mounted on a post or monument. Cabinets can be fairly large, so they can be read from a distance and seen at night. The signs can be of any color you like and include text and graphics. 

For more info about business signs, contact a local company. 

About Me

Advertising Your Christmas Program

The Christmas season has always been a special time for me. Growing up, my father pastored an evangelical church in my hometown. Every year, some of the parishioners at the church performed in a Christmas play. Sometimes, the subject matter of the annual play was serious. At other times, the church members performed in a Christmas comedy. Regardless of the type of program the church worked diligently on, it was always a success. If your church is planning a Christmas program this year, consider advertising it with a well-designed sign. On this blog, I hope you will discover some tips to help you design a sign to advertise your Christmas program.